Friday, September 4, 2009

Musk Melon Dessert

There are a wide variety of Melons.They have a lot of health benefits especially to cure constipation and acidity.
It is more commonly known as Kharbuja in India.

1. Musk Melon - 1
2. Sugar/jaggery - 3 tbsp
3. Milk - 1/2 cup

1. Grate the pulp of the fruit.
2. Add Sugar and mix.
3.Add Milk and refrigerator for 20 mins.

This serves as a great dessert after dinner.

1 comment:

Ash said...

I Love musk melon too. My mom prepares a chilled drink during the summers. I prepared that this time for my hubby & he loved it too. It is real yummy, with a health tag attached to it.
What more can we ask for.
